Thursday 6 November 2014


Hi friends,
 Today we design and develop power supply. first step of any electronic circuit designing  or any project development starts from power supply.
list of component required for develop 5 volt dc power supply.
1. Transformer.
2. Diode 1N4007.
3. capacitors 1000uf/25volt.
4. Regulator IC 7805
5. Resister 330E
6. LED Red 

1. TRANSFORMER : - Transformer is the device used for step down or step up the voltage level. we design the step down DC 5 volt power supply. hence we used the greater than 5 volt and less than 12 volt 500ma(milli amps) transformer.

2. Diode :- diode is used for rectification purpose. we use IN4007

 3. Capacitor : capacitor is the device  used for pass the AC and blocks the DC. hence capacitor is placed  parallel  in power supply design to by pass the ac.  capacitor is used for filter.  we use 1000uf/ 25 volts capacitor .  for pure dc select maximum  uf value.


4. Regulator IC 7805 :- 7805 is the regulator used for regulate the continuous 5v o/p 



Resister :- resister used for current limitation selection 330e  resister as per the calculation. 
we use the red led  minimum current req. for led is 10ma forward voltage(vf) =1.7 volt voltage o/p of regulator 5 volts 
V=Vout - Vf

V=5V -1.7 = 3.3V


                            V                                      3.3V
 R  =   --------------------------------  = ------------------------------ =  330E
                             I                                      10ma


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